I have WMB with DB2 & MQ running on my Ubuntu 9.04 laptop, this blog posting shows what I have done to get that working.
<user> and <password> are the user and password that you use on your Ubuntu pc.
Ubuntu multi-media setup
If you have a default Ubuntu install then not everyting from *.ibm.com is working. To get Download Director, Education Assistant, etc working you can use below commands.
sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/jaunty.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras libdvdcss2 libdvdread4 w32codecs msttcorefonts flashplugin-installer
sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-plugin
sudo apt-get install mplayer mozilla-mplayer
Turn of Visual Effects
A bug in Java or DB2-setup give sometimes a grey screen, turning of Visual Effects solves this. (and your laptop is faster)
System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects -> None.
Allow other local users to connect locally to the X-Server
Somtimes you are working as the DB2 instance user, MQM owner and want to start a GUI, with below tweaks this is possible.
sudo vi /etc/gdm/gdm.conf change "DisallowTCP=true" into "DisallowTCP=false" sudo vi /etc/profile add the line "export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0" vi ~/.profile add the line "xhost +localhost"
Add more shared memory
Tuning Ubuntu for DB2 and/or MQ can be difficult, for now we only need below setting.
sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf add the line "kernel.shmmax=536870912"
Change the password algorithm
The default ubuntu setting for password hashes (sha512) creates a hash thats to long for DB2
Change your password to make the change active, if you want to keep the same password you must do it as root.sudo vi /etc/pam.d/common-password change "sha512" to "md5"
Restart the machine now to make all above ubuntu tweaks active.sudo passwd <user>
DB2, MQ, WMB software
Below the files I used, A total of 5.3 GB. You can get it from IBM PartnerWorld and the support sites for DB2, MQ & WMB.
~/install/db2/DB2_WSE_V95_Linux_x86.tar ~/install/db2/DB2_WSE_Auth_User_Activation_V95.zip ~/install/db2/db2exc_952_LNX_x86.tar.gz ~/install/mq/CZ0EWML.tar.gz ~/install/mq/7.0.0-WS-MQ-LinuxIA32-FP0002.tar.gz ~/install/broker/C19YSML.tar.gz ~/install/broker/6.1.0-WS-MB-LINUXIA32-FP0004.tar.Z ~/install/toolkit/C19Z2ML.tar.gz ~/install/toolkit/C19Z3ML.tar.gz ~/install/toolkit/C19Z4ML.tar.gz ~/install/toolkit/agent.installer.linux.gtk.x86.zip ~/install/toolkit/MB6100_6104.zip ~/install/info/db2_v95_linuxia32_nonroot_infocenter.tar.gz ~/install/info/WebSphere_MQ_V7_Information_Center_Lin_TGZ.zip ~/install/info/wmb_help_linux.tgz
DB2 install
Now there are many options possible, below what I did.sudo apt-get install libaio1 cd ~/install/db2 mkdir base cd base tar xf ../DB2_WSE_V95_Linux_x86.tar sudo ./db2setup2
- Custom install. - Selected "Select All" and then de-select 'Informix datasource support' under servers - Not installed the SA MP Base Compoment - User configuration: DB2 administration server: user: db2admin group: db2 DB2 instance: user: db2 group: db2 Fenced user: user: db2soft group: db2 - No autostart - No SMTP notificationsAdd yourself to the DB2 groups (in above example it is just one group named db2)
sudo usermod -a -G db2 root sudo usermod -a -G db2
DB2 license
cd ~install/db2 mkdir lic cd lic unzip ../ DB2_WSE_Auth_User_Activation_V95.zip sudo /opt/ibm/db2/V9.5/adm/db2licm -a db2/license/db2wse_u.lic
DB2 upgrade
. /home/db2/sqllib/db2profile db2stop . /home/db2admin/das/dasprofile db2admin stop cd ~/install/db2 mkdir update cd update tar xf ../db2exc_952_LNX_x86.tar.gz cd expc sudo ./installFixPack /opt/ibm/db2/V9.5
Starting the DB2 control center.
su - db2 db2cc
MQ install
Adding root and yourself to the mqm group.cd ~/install/mq mkdir base cd base tar zxf ../CZ0EWML.tar.gz sudo apt-get install rpm sudo ./mqlicense.sh rm MQSeriesMsg* rm MQSeriesKeyMan* sudo rpm -i MQSeries* --nodeps
sudo usermod -a -G mqm root sudo usermod -a -G mqm <user>
MQ update
Starting the WebSphere Explopercd ~install/mq mkdir update cd update tar zxf ../7.0.0-WS-MQ-LinuxIA32-FP0002.tar.gz rm MQSeriesMsg* rm MQSeriesKeyMan* sudo rpm -i MQSeries*
sudo strmqcfg
Broker install
Adding root and yourself to the mqbrkrs groupcd ~install/broker mkdir base cd base tar zxf ../C19YSML.tar.gz cd messagebroker_runtime1 sudo groupadd mqbrkrs sudo ./setuplinuxia32 -console
sudo usermod -a -G mqbrkrs root sudo usermod -a -G mqbrkrs <user>
Broker update
cd ~install/broker mkdir update cd update tar zxf ../6.1.0-WS-MB-LINUXIA32-FP0004.tar.Z cd disk1 sudo ./setuplinuxia32 -console
Toolkit install
The default location is a bit strange, eq /opt/IBM/ , all other IBM software is installed under /opt/ibm/ (under Linux those are 2 different directories), I used below targets.cd ~install/toolkit mkdir base cd base tar zxf ../C19Z2ML.tar.gz tar zxf ../C19Z3ML.tar.gz tar zxf ../C19Z4ML.tar.gz cd disk1 sudo ./installToolkit.sh
/opt/ibm/toolkit/shared /opt/ibm/toolkit/manager /opt/ibm/toolkit/wmb/code>
Toolkit - Upgrade - Internet connection
Online (internet connection)
Click on upgrade (twice, once for IM and once for WMB)sudo /opt/ibm/toolkit/manager/eclipse/IBMIM
Toolkit - Upgrade - no internet connection
create 2 local repositories ( file -> preferences )cd ~install/toolkit mkdir update cd update mkdir im cd im unzip ../../agent.installer.linux.gtk.x86.zip cd .. mkdir wmb cd wmb unzip ../../MB6100_6104.zip sudo /opt/ibm/toolkit/manager/eclipse/IBMIM
and update the software (twice, once for IM, once for WMB)install/toolkit/update/im/repository.config install/toolkit/update/wmb/MB6100_6104/repository.config
Starting the toolkit
Btw: The toolkit is the only thing that has installed itself in the Ubuntu menu: Applications => IBM Software Development Platform/opt/ibm/tookit/wmb/eclipse -product com.ibm.etools.msgbroker.tooling.ide
Localy installing Information Centers
Both DB2 and MQ have options to install the Information Center as a service, below a portable solution that you can put on your USB stick and use on every Linux machine.
vi start.shcd ~install/info tar zxf db2_v95_linuxia32_nonroot_infocenter.tar.gz unzip WebSphere_MQ_V7_Information_Center_Lin_TGZ.zip tar zxf WebSphere_MQ_V7_Information_Center_Lin.tgz tar zxf wmb_help_linux.tgz cd ~ mkdir InfoCenters cd InfoCenters mv /home/herbert/install/info/DB2\ v95\ Information\ Center/ db2 mv /home/herbert/install/info/InfoCenter_for_Linux/ mq mv /home/herbert/install/info/ibm_help wmb vi db2/help_start add option '-port 25001' vi mq/ibm_help/help_start.sh add option '-port 25002' vi wmb/help_start.sh add option '-port 25003' chmod 755 wmb/help_start.sh help_stop.sh chmod 755 wmb/jre/jre/bin/java
vi stop.sh#!/bin/sh cd `dirname $0` cd db2 nohup ./help_start & cd ../mq/ibm_help nohup ./help_start.sh & cd ../../wmb nohup ./help_start.sh &
Make the scripts executable.#!/bin/sh cd `dirname $0` cd db2 nohup ./help_end & cd ../mq/ibm_help nohup ./help_end.sh & cd ../../wmb nohup ./help_end.sh &
chmod 755 start.sh stop.sh
Creating the Default Configuration
The Default Configuration Wizard is not working for me. It thinks that my unix password is wrong, and worse, it does not see that my user is in de DB2 groups. So I created the default configuration by hand.
Now we must make an ODBC entry.. ~db2admin/das/dasprofile db2admin start . ~db2/sqllib/db2profile db2start db2 create database DEFBKD61
and add below linessudo vi /var/mqsi/odbc/.odbc.ini
Create the config manager and the broker.[DEFBKD61] Driver=/opt/ibm/db2/V9.5/lib32/libdb2.so Description=DB2V9DB DB2 ODBC Database Database=DEFBKD61
The mqsicreate.. commands are creating a queuemanager if needed, however the listener is not created ( ^D means you must press control-D there ). /opt/ibm/mqsi/6.1/bin/mqsiprofile mqsicreateconfigmgr WBRK61_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER -i <user> -a <password> -q WBRK61_DEFAULT_QUEUE_MANAGER mqsicreatebroker WBRK61_DEFAULT_BROKER -i <user> -a <password> -q WBRK61_DEFAULT_QUEUE_MANAGER -n DEFBKD61 -u <user> -p <password>
Wait a few seconds and then look at the result.mqsistart WBRK61_DEFAULT_BROKER mqsistart WBRK61_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER
Now we can start the Broker toolkit to add the Default Configuration to our workspace.tail -n 50 /var/log/syslog
If you want to import examples into your workspace it is important to use below names for the Domain connection, see also the screen-shots./opt/ibm/tookit/wmb/eclipse -product com.ibm.etools.msgbroker.tooling.ide
Server project: LocalProject Connection name: LocalDomain.configmgr
Starting and stopping
Finaly we can create a start and stop script, it combines everything installed/configured above.
Start script.
stop script#!/bin/sh strmqm WBRK61_DEFAULT_QUEUE_MANAGER . ~db2admin/das/dasprofile db2admin start . ~db2/sqllib/db2profile db2start . /opt/ibm/mqsi/6.1/bin/mqsiprofile mqsistart WBRK61_DEFAULT_BROKER mqsistart WBRK61_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER nohup db2cc & nohup strmqcfg & nohup /opt/ibm/toolkit/wmb/eclipse -product com.ibm.etools.msgbroker.tooling.ide & ~/InfoCenters/start.sh
#!/bin/sh endmqm WBRK61_DEFAULT_QUEUE_MANAGER . ~db2admin/das/dasprofile db2admin stop . ~db2/sqllib/db2profile db2stop . /opt/ibm/mqsi/6.1/bin/mqsiprofile mqsistop WBRK61_DEFAULT_BROKER mqsistop WBRK61_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER ~/InfoCenters/stop.sh
4 opmerkingen:
I had same problem as you on Redhat--couldn't get MBTK config wizard to work. I followed your steps to manually create it. However, I can't figure out how to get it into the GUI. I dont' see your screenshots. Can you assist?
thanks for the information. I have gotten it up with some little variant.
(1) I am usgin express-c 9.7
(2) I am using Karmic Koala, so I will have to install the libstdc++5 package for mqsi installation.
(3) I run the Ubuntu on virtualbox with db2/mq/mqsi. but I run MBTK from the host to connect into the MQSI.
(4) initial startup and connection to MQSI looks good not running any message flow yet. see if I could update something once that is done.
I folowed your tutorial but in the
mqsicreateconfigmgr step I got "Segmentation fault" error. No error code, nothing just segmentation fault.
The syslog says the following:
segfault at 552e5355 eip b79336b8 esp bfa86990 error 4
Any idea what could be wrong?
Still using the howto every time I setup a new rig (usually Debian in stead of Ubuntu though). Now I've got a new problem: I want to host the configuration database in an Oracle XE database on a second Debian image, and I cannot get the broker to connect to it using the standard ODBC setup. Good one, ey? I'll post a howto on MQSeries.net as soon as I get it running ;)
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