I have made some progress on my SQL to JDO wrapper for PHP at GAE. There is a new example PHP script with lots of neat SQL statements.
The SQL to JDO wrapper has now a new name. It is pQg. What means PHP with SQL on Google App Engine.
Look at below PHP script. Look at the many SQL statements in it, they are working!
Below the output of this script.
// pQg-Demo.php
echo "<html><body><pre>";
// Import the JDO classes for the database
import myDatabase.person;
// The database in use (must be the package for above classes)
$pQg_database = 'myDatabase';
// Include the ROM-PHP-GAE source file.
include "WEB-INF/pQg.inc";
// Start our demo with a empty table.
sql("delete from person");
// Fill the database with the test set.
$jan = sql("insert into person (firstName, lastName, email, salary )
values ('Jan', 'Modaal', 'j.modaal@het.net', 2500 ) ");
echo "Added Jan to the database with primary key $jan \n";
$john = sql("insert into person (firstName, lastName, email, salary )
values ('John', 'Doe', 'JOHN@GMAIL.COM', 5000 ) ");
echo "Added John to the database with primary key $john \n";
$jane = sql("insert into person (firstName, lastName, email, salary )
values ('Jane', 'Doe', 'JANE@AOL.COM', 4000 ) ");
echo "Added Jane to the database with primary key $jane \n\n";
// Let's see what is in the table right now
// getField, get a single field.
$salary = getField(" select salary from person where firstName = 'John' and lastName = 'Doe' ");
echo "The salary of John is $salary \n\n";
// getRecord, retrieve fields from 1 records.
$record = getRecord(" select strtoupper(FiRsTnAmE) as FIRST, strtoupper(LaStNaMe) as LAST
from person where id = $jane ");
echo "Who is number $jane? It is: " . $record['FIRST'] . ' ' . $record['LAST'] . "\n\n";
// Jane is getting a raise.
sql("update person set salary = salary + 1500 where id = $jane");
// Make url's from the emails
$count = sql("update person set email =
'<a href=\"mailto:' . strtolower(email) . '\">' . strtolower(email) . '</a>'
echo "Transform emails: Updated $count record(s) \n\n";
// Jan is fired
$count = sql("delete from person where id = $jan");
echo "Fire Jan: Deleted $count record(s) \n\n";
// This is the end result.
// Close the Datastore connection (the open is done on first usage)
echo "</pre></body></html>"
// Print all records in the person table.
function print_table() {
// getRecords, retrieve n records from the database.
$records = getRecords("select * from person order by salary desc");
echo '<p><table border="1">';
// Print the fields name by using the key's from the first record.
echo "<tr>";
foreach($records[0] as $key => $field)
echo "<td> <b> $key </b> </td>";
echo "</tr>";
foreach ($records as $record) {
echo "<tr>";
foreach($record as $field)
echo "<td> $field </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table></p>";
I will upload this script and a zip files with sources soon to the GAE site for it. First I must look into indexes. It works fine on the development environment. However on GAE it complains that there are no indexes. Somehow those indexes are not auto-generated on my development machine.Added Jan to the database with primary key 1
Added John to the database with primary key 2
Added Jane to the database with primary key 3
firstName lastName salary id JOHN@GMAIL.COM John Doe 5000 2 JANE@AOL.COM Jane Doe 4000 3 j.modaal@het.net Jan Modaal 2500 1
The salary of John is 5000
Who is number 3? It is: JANE DOE
Transform emails: Updated 3 record(s)
Fire Jan: Deleted 1 record(s)
firstName lastName salary id jane@aol.com Jane Doe 5500 3 john@gmail.com John Doe 5000 2
For now you can find the sources here
To use this zip file you must first create a PHP enabled GAE project inside Eclipse and then copy the sources from the zip file to the same directory locations as in the zip file. ( Click here for instructions how to setup an PHP enabled GAE project in Eclipse ) ..... Read more .....